Feather Notes
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American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)

Description: The American Crow is usually between 17 and 21 inches in size.  Both males and females are completely black.  Their sharp, straight beaks are black as well.  They have squared tails, long legs, and broad wings.

Habitat: American Crows live in woodlands, farms, fields, and along lakes and the ocean. They live year-round all across America, but some migrate to southern Canada for the spring.
Diet: Crows are omnivorous foragers who eat very little carrion. In fact, their beaks are not made for eating carcasses and they have difficultly eating them. More often they eat grains, seeds, berries, fruits, worms, fish, clams, eggs, and other species’ nestlings. In cities, they can also be found eating garbage.

  • Crows are highly social- one flock can have millions of birds
  • Crows are known to be aggressive and mischievous, and can chase away larger birds (such as hawks) if they feel threatened
  • A crow’s call is a raspy “caw"
  • Young crows often stay with their parents for a few years and help them raise the newest chicks
  • Crows lay three to nine greenish eggs in a clutch. They incubate for a little over two weeks.
  • Both males and females build nests, which are made from twigs and lined with animal hair and soft plant matter. Nest size varies greatly, from six inches to over a foot and a half.
  • Crows mate for life, and their courtship ritual occurs only once and takes place on the ground. The male crow fluffs up his feathers for the female to see, then spreads his wings and bows to her, whilst singing.
  • Most crows do not migrate, but live in the United States year round. There is some migration to southern Canada in the spring.

  • Crows are known throughout the scientific community as problem-solvers. They can fashion tools and are highly intelligent.
  • Crows are highly susceptible to West Nile virus

Video: This is a short clip of a crow making calls and eating on a rooftop
